Woven geotextile

  • Description
  • Laying technology
Woven geotextile

Woven geotextile or geowoven is a high-strength fabric made by an interlacing of synthetic fibers made of polypropylene or polyester at a different angle. Thanks to high physicotechnical parameters, material possesses a wide range of functional application. The amount of the interlaced fibers per unit area determines the density of geowoven and specifies its operational characteristics.


  • Material possesses a unique set of features, which may express different technical indicators depending on a type of used materials or production techniques:
  • High tension capacity, elasticity and ability to resist to mechanical loadings, without changing structure and properties, provide durability of the sheet;
  • The cohesion with various types of soil and bulk materials along with a low creep of material, allows starting operation of a construction, without waiting for stabilization of the basement soil;
  • The frost resistance of woven geotextile gives an opportunity to use it in the conditions of permafrost because this material keeps its elasticity even at hard frosts and is capable to endure a multitude of freeze-thaw cycles harmlessly;
  • The immunity to microbiological impact, ultraviolet and hostile environment allows applying geowoven on alkaline, karst and lime soil without concerns;
  • Ease and simplicity of material laying is assured thanks to its lightweight, compactness, and tight winding of rolls.


  • Reinforcement. Material is mostly used for an enhancement of soil bearing capacity and reinforcement of the unstable foundations during constructions of auto roads and railways, airport runways and oil and gas terminals, underpinning, construction of disposal sites. During construction of retaining structures, slopes and embankments geowoven increases the stability of the structure and protects it from landslides and collapses, preventing deformation of the surface due to offset of constructive layers. A unique structure of woven geotextiles allows to evenly share locally enclosed loads on the vast area, reducing their negative impact. Moreover, a special scheme of interlacing fibers gives the opportunity to use for construction even little avail fine-grained soils.
  • Separation. The geowoven is quite often applied to separate layers of earth or bulk materials, preventing their intermixing in separating and technological layers. Therefore, for example, with its help it is possible to separate existing poor soil from imported fertile soil.
  • Drainage. Geowoven for drainage provides construction with sufficient water permeability in order to prevent water erosion, silting and land retirement.
  • Protection of coatings. While building pipelines and other underground engineering constructions woven geotextile is used to wrap pipes and separate the soil from the aggregate around the tube that allows protecting service lines from mechanical damages.
  • Landscape design. Material is quite often applied to landscaping of private garden: creations of garden paths, reinforcing of decorative slopes and creation of terrain of various height. Besides, the geowoven limits plant roots growth, mulches the soil and complicates germination of pests.


Woven geotextile allows reducing construction cost considerably:

  • First, costs of materials decrease (woven geotextiles cost cheaper than concrete reinforcement, for example, and the effect of its application allows to save on bulk materials);
  • Secondly, the lightweight of the material allows to save on its transportation and laying, as it does not demand utilisation of heavy machinery;
  • And last but not least, the geowoven allows to prolong the maintenance free period that also leads to considerable economy of expenses in the long term.         

In spite of the fact that laying of woven geotextiles may be considered simple, it is necessary to follow certain rules during its mounting in order to avoid loss of material efficiency. Therefore, for example, it is necessary to roll the sheet evenly, avoiding folds and waves, and provide an overlap in places of joints not less than 10 cm. The filling is made only in the direction away from the doer not to allow movement of the equipment on the uncovered surface of material, because despite its durability geotextile can be damaged. Material is reaching its maximum efficiency while laid in a holder or a semi-holder.